maandag 29 juli 2013

Ordained or not ordained?

I got a request from a dear sister in Kenya to explain more about lay-missionary work. It is an interesting question especially because the question implies that there are two classes of missionaries: Those ordained to be missionaries and those who are not ordained.  However, personally I do not believe in the concept of lay-mission as this terminology is not found in the word of God. I believe that Matthew 28:18-20, John 20:21; Acts 1:8) applies to al disciples of Christ and so every Christian is called to be a faithful witness, a missionary participating with Gods mission of love and salvation to the world. Gods mission to the world started already as soon as Adam sinned and came to a climax when He sent Christ, who provided salvation from the penalty of sin and from the power of sin in our lives through the empowering and sanctifying work of His Holy Spirit. He will one day also save us from the presence of sin at His second coming. He in turn sends us as His followers out into the world to proclaim this Good News of God’s Love and the salvation he offers. This mission will continue until the 2nd coming of Christ when He will restore all things. I do not use the term ‘’lay’’ because I believe in a priesthood of royal priests ordained by God which applies to all those who truly put their faith in Gods Love and the Salvation He offers through Christ and are subsequently born again by His Spirit (1 Peter 2:9-10). They are a people belonging to God with the wonderful task to show their gratitude and love for God by proclaiming His great deeds to a world in need. One does not become part of this priesthood by human ordination ceremonies (which only serve the flesh and the human desire to elevate one person’s position above another). One becomes part of this family, this true church of Christ by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13). Even though I was ordained and widely recognised as a missionary and servant of God I do not consider it relevant at all. My calling came from God and as His child I am ordained as a royal priest and an ambassador of Christ. It is not about having a position, I simply love to work with my Father in His mission to the world wherever he wants to use me with the gifts, talents, abilities, experience and resources He entrusts to me. I invite you to also take note of your own heavenly ordination and calling and faithfully work with our Father wherever He places you and with whatever He places at your disposal.

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