zondag 8 mei 2016

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I associate with people from all walks of life. Some of these are very well to do and others are very poor. I have noticed that those who are relatively poor are often much happier than those who possess a large fortune. Of course this is not to say that poverty is virtue and wealth is sinful. Some of the people I meet who are extremely poor suffer from extreme levels of stress, feelings of guilt, desperation, frustration and anger as they just do not know how to feed their families, pay for medical bills and afford the basic necessities in life.  On the other hand I meet plenty who are very rich but who are isolated from meaningful contact with other human beings as their arrogance and materialist focus has alienated others.  This gives a lot of stress too, even more so when as a result of their behavior they have made many enemies who are literally or figuratively speaking after their blood. The way of peace for both rich and poor is to seek, maintain and foster positive connection with God and others. The rich ought to be humble and generous, serving God with all their possession while the poor need to be forgiving and patient with those who are still stuck in arrogance and materialism and struggle to share. Their trust should be in the Lord and not in access to the wealth of the rich and powerful. Finally both rich and poor should be generous, generous in accordance to what one has, be it money, material goods, time, kindness or a listening ear….. Let us serve God and one another with whatever God has entrusted to us and so build up one another in love.

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