dinsdag 4 november 2014

Our values

Implicit and explicit values

Most of us have been explicitly taught that the spiritual values of helping others, protecting the weak and downtrodden and doing unto others as we want to have done to us are very important. We also may have been taught that it is important to have a meaningful philosophy of life to live by. Very few of us have explicitly taught that material wealth, and the power, influence and success in obtaining access to it outrank other values. Much socialization in the home and in school in fact teach other values. Nevertheless materialism is nonetheless transmitted to most of our children implicitly as our priorities in life show that materialism is the religion we live by. Even if we confess otherwise with our mouths, our actions, our priorities, our use of time, talents, abilities, resources and energy speak much louder than words. These quietly communicate where our real allegiance lies.

God seeks people whose lives are an act of worship by being in alignment with the Spirit of Christ and the truth we believe and confess. 

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