woensdag 8 januari 2014

Helping the needy

My dear brother and sister in Christ It is my earnest prayer that you will be able to work more effectively with our Heavenly Father in His Mission of Salvation and Love to the whole world. I pray that you will allow yourself to be continually prompted by His unfailing love to look after orphans and widows and people in distress.  I pray you will not allow the attitudes and teachings of the world to harden your heart in this matter.  Practical love shown by looking after people in distress is the religion God seeks. After all in this world no-one can clearly see God, and yet in acts of kindness, love and charity we show something of Gods amazing character to the world around us. But if we continually harden our hearts to our brothers and sisters in need, including those who are still unbelievers, then we sin against His Spirit. Then how can Gods love remain in us?

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