As a child
of God you have become a member of His household through adoption as a result
of putting your faith and hope for salvation in Jesus Christ. As a human being,
created by God in His image you have always been precious to Him and loved by Him
and now that you have been reconciled to Him, He rejoices even more as it has
always been His wish that you would fulfill the wonderful destiny He had in mind
for you, namely becoming like Jesus Christ in every area of life as an active member of a royal priesthood, a holy nation and
a people belonging to God. As His priests we are called to offer ourselves as living
sacrifices and lay down our lives voluntarily for the other by doing good and
resisting evil. As His nation of prophets we are called to courageously proclaim
Gods wonderful deeds and call all humanity to be reconciled to Him. This is your eternal destiny, your
birthright, your calling, do not let anything or anyone make you settle for
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